Partnership FAQs
Questions and answers on the partnership with SAN and SRHD. This list is a work in progress and will get updated as we know more.
Q: Can clients be served in SRHD medical case management(MCM) and SAN non -medical case management(NMCM) at the same time?
A: Yes , with stipulations ( TBD)
Q: What is SAN’s caseload capacity?
A: 10-20 clients per peer navigator
Q: Can clients in MCM at SRHD get food assistance and BUS passes from SAN?
A: Yes, clients at SRHD can utilize the SAN food pantry and can get a bus pass as needed for support services at SAN.
Q: Will SRHD and SAN have a policy and procedure for sharing services?
A: Yes. SRHD and SAN will have a strong MOU in place, so services are complimentary and not duplicated.
Q: Will each agency have a grievance policy?
A: Yes. Each agency will have a grievance policy in place that clients can utilize if they are unhappy with a service and cannot get that resolved with the team.
Q: Will there be a specific ROI for clients utilizing both agencies?
A: Yes. The specific ROI will outline what specific items each agency and talk about and share based on the needs the client. The clients will sign the ROI and may revoke it at any time.
Q: Can a client be medically case managed at SAN?
A: No. SAN does not offer medical case management.
Q: Will there be any changes to the food bags a client can get at SRHD that are provided by SAN in the past?
A: SAN food bags will be available at SRHD on a limited basis and will require that eligibility be filled out and the client sign for the bag.
Q: Do you see any HAAB changes?
A: We hope that this partnership will increase the HAAB membership. PEER workers will be attending the meetings as part of their work.
Q: When is SAN open and able to work with clients in their new capacity?
A: SAN’s new DOH funding will start on January 1, 2024. SAN’s staff will be working starting January 2, 2024, and SAN has should have all programs operational within 90 days
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