Community Based, Collaborative & Innovative

HOPWA Housing
SAN works with the PLWH community to secure and maintain housing. Need assistance, give us a call..

Non-Medical Case Management
SAN is here for you. Come by Pantry on Fridays or make an appointment to come by and talk to our staff about your diagnosis, your needs or just to say hello.

SAN provides the PLWHIV community a place to gather, share a meal and take home nutritious food pantry bags. SAN works with local partners to make sure the Holiday Bag Distribution event is a huge success, year after year.

SAN provides prevention packets for events, condom dispensers at local bars, partnerships for HIV testing with other local non-profits. SAN provides both At-Home & in house HIV testing by appointment.
SAN provides a social group offering support, education and community activities for individuals living with HIV.
Everyone is welcome
Email us for more information.

SAN Community Tech Project
We are excited to be working on a Community Tech Project for Spokane's HIV community. We will be revealing details soon!

SAN provides assistance to Avista customers who are struggling with their home energy costs due to a temporary crisis or recent extenuating circumstance.

Through our participation in Community Events, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at SAN, and a source of much success for our organization. SAN participate in many PRIDE events, Spokane AIDS Walk, World AIDS Day and many other community events.
At SAN, we continue to provide education, outreach and advocacy every day. Through our community events, speaking to college classes, providing condom packets and support to our HIV/AIDS community, SAN gives back.

SAN & the HIV/AIDS Advisory Board (HAAB) are collaborating to bring you the new and improved Community Update Newsletter. We will be publishing this newsletter quarterly.
Click here to sign up for the newsletter!

SAN, in partnership with Spokane Regional Health District, established an emergency support fund in 2019. These funds can be used for emergency needs like a bed for someone going from homeless to housed, a cell phone for a diabetes patient or a rental deposit. SAN works with SRHD provide these support dollars where needed the most.